After releasing its 84-inch Sony Bravia 4K TV model in October last year, the company has gone ahead and introduced two more television sets in the said range. Equipped with four times the resolution of a full HD screen, these models have been unveiled in 65-inch and 55-inch sizes by Sony, and will be going on sale later this month at Rs. 4,04,900 and Rs. 3,04,900, respectively.
Both of them fall under the X9004 series, and are said to deliver their ‘stunning picture quality’ owing to a number of technological advancements that have been infused into them. These include the Triluminos Display LED backlighting which is aimed at procuring a wider color gamut, and in the process, delivering a more natural and vivid.
Moreover, the X-Reality PRO processing engine of these television sets is capable of up-scaling any standard definition content to 4K resolution. That means even TV broadcasts, web videos, blu-ray discs and low resolution smartphone clips will be viewable in the ultra high resolution that’s provided by these screens. And that’s not all; even original 4K content will be delivered by the Japanese giant via Blu-ray discs.
For an enhanced listening experience, the new Sony Bravia 4K TV models come equipped with a Magnetic Fluid Speaker design. The adoption of this technology allows for a thinner, more efficient loudspeaker which offers faithful reproduction of high-fidelity sound.
Moreover, these television sets even adopt connectivity features like NFC, Wi-Fi and 3G (via dongle). A total of 20 new models from the range will be launched by the company in India this year, including these 4K TVs. Features like the X-Reality PRO engine and the Triluminos Display technology will be present on most of them.
As mentioned above, the new 65-inch and 55-inch Bravia 4K TV sets are slated to hit retail during the end of June.
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