Windows Xp,Vista,7 | Simulation | Demo
You are manager of a transport company in a self-built realistic 3D World. This Demo does allow you to explore the world, play the complete Tutorial including 2 Mini-Missions as a start. You will be able to build a Network, buy Vehicles and assemble Schedules and test the simple industry-model.Minimum System Requirements:
- Windows 98 / Me / NT / XP
- Pentium/AMD 400 MHz (600 MHz recommended)
- 64MB
RAM (128 recommended) - 3D
Graphics card with 16MB RAM DirectX compatiblesound card (3D sound support recommended)Screenshot:
How To Download :1.Step One Open This Web
3.Click Reguler Download,Wait Until Finish4.Open TrucksandTrains(GameBazaar.info).part2ar
5.Click Reguler Download,Wait Until Finish
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