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Thursday, December 6, 2012

5 great things about Pulse

GLOBAL – Some of the most asked questions when it comes to meeting up and hanging out with friends are family are “Where are you?” , “Where do you want to meet?” and ” How do I get there?”
Nokia Pulse helps you answer these questions with one tap by adding where you are to every conversation. From pickups and drop-offs to meet-ups, Pulse is as instant, private, and simple as sending a text, but far more useful and engaging. It helps me to keep in touch with the people who matter to me, and share check-ins that matter to them. Here are my top five reasons to keep using Pulse:
It is easy to Join & Use:  You can send and receive messages on Pulse, and create as many groups as you like. All you need is an email ID to join in. You don’t even need a mobile phone to access your Pulse groups, a laptop will do. It is as instantaneous as a text message but with the location component added in. It is easy to check-in, add images to your post and keep your BFFs updated to your whereabouts.
 It has the power of Cloud:  All your conversations are saved in the cloud for you as long as you need them. If you want to go back to the awesome café you visited during your last trip to New York, Pulse will have the information. This means that you do not need to remember to sync or back up your check-ins or photos shared via Pulse.
It is Private:  Now you do not have to worry about the whole world seeing your updates. Pulse is Private only, which means others cannot search for your groups and request themselves to be added to them. It is also very easy to add and remove people into different groups.
 It has Maps: where we are, is often as important as what we have to say and can add a lot to a conversation. Pulse has the power of Nokia Maps behind it so that you can share where you are with those who are really important to you.  One tap can set where you are, and two taps can show how to reach there.
It is Cross Platform :  Pulse can be accessed via desktop web, mobile web, WP7 and Symbian devices. Which means this is a truly cross platform service, which makes it accessible to a large and diverse group of people, irrespective of where they are and what devices they have.
What are some of the groups that you have created for Pulse? What do you use Pulse for? We would love to hear your stories.

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